Having Treats and Staying on Track with Health Goals / minimize glucose spikes after sugar 🍭🍬
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Healthy blood sugar is important for our metabolic health. Learn how you can have treats but stay on track with health goals. I teach you three ways to minimize glucose spikes after eating sugar. If you want to prevent insulin spikes after eating sugar, watch this!

I talk about three ways you can prevent insulin spikes after eating sugar.

If you're planning on having some Halloween candy then you might want to try to do these three things:

1) sleep well and enough
2) line your stomach with fiber (load up on satiating high fiber nutrition dense foods) 
3) move afterwards (post prandial, jog in place, HIIT) 

Enjoy your sugary- or (simple) carby- treat. Eat each morsel with intention and mindfulness and don't beat yourself up over it! Having the occasional treat provided that you're otherwise being consistent with your health and fitness will not set you back on your goals. 

Hope these three ways to minimize blood sugar spikes will come in handy today or whenever you plan to have a yummy treat!

Here's to finding balance :)

You steer your own ship ⚓ steer it well 

Thank you for reading!!

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